Dance & Movement Offerings
Authentic Movement
3rd Sundays of the Month @ 3-5pm
January 19, February 16, March 16…
MOVE Studio, Smiley Building
(Room #15, 1st floor, behind the big bulletin board)
1309 E 3rd Ave, Durango, CO 81301
The practice of Authentic Movement (AM) offers a safe, nonjudgmental space for exploring your body-mind-spirit landscapes through movement and/or stillness, to surrender your full presence to embodied inquiry, to feel moment to moment what’s wanting to happen next…
It is a contemplative practice to be a Mover, to listen deeply into and follow your unpremeditated impulses.
It is also a mindful practice to be a Witness, to embody deep listening for another.
We’re collectively creating this gathering, not so much a class, but rather a field within which to explore this practice. We will create a sacred space within which to move and witness each other in silence, and depending on how many of us there are, we may work in partners or as a whole group with half of us moving and half witnessing.
We invite you to come move with us!
Suggested Donation
Moving Women
a weekly movement ritual
4-Week Spring Season Series
(offerings to be continued in Summer, Fall, & Winter seasons too!)
guided by
Amelia Burns
Sundays, 3-5pm
April 28 – May 19, 2024
MOVE Studio, Smiley Building
(Room #15, 1st floor, behind the big bulletin board)
1309 E 3rd Ave, Durango, CO 81301
4-Week Series ~ $111 / Drop-In ~ $33
Cash, Check, or Venmo @movingstillness
move your springtime energies through
embodying your Earth body’s natural growth rhythms of
awakening, rooting, sprouting, emerging…
Be guided in stretching and moving, alone and together, writing and sharing, dancing, witnessing ourselves and each other, relating with our bodies, each other, our writings, musings, images, elements from the natural world…with music and silence…
Be supported in deeply listening to, connecting with, cultivating, and expressing your unique felt sense experiences of your embodied springtime beingness.
These offerings are inspired by modern dance and improvisation, Authentic Movement
and other mindful movement practices (yoga, qi gong, Body Mind Centering), ceremonial dance,
Diego Piñón/Body Ritual Movement, and most especially this Beautiful Planet Earth we call Home.
REGISTER HERE by Emailing Me Through the Contact Form
And, please specify if you’re interested in the whole series or drop-in.
If you’re wanting to drop in, please email me in advance.
Space will be prioritized for those signed up for the whole series.
Due to the size of the studio and the intimate nature of this work,
I’m limiting the class to 14 Participants.
I love guiding you in sensing, feeling, moving, and expressing all the mysterious impulses of your embodied beingness–your moment to moment, emergent, mysterious, energetic embodied respondings and conversings with yourself, with others, and with Mystery.
“Dance is the movement of the universe concentrated in an individual.”
~ Isadora Duncan